Some terrific fishing still to be had here at Whitby on the Shy-Torque III.
The last few offshore trips have been very good indeed with the last averaging around a dozen fish each ( a good few more than that some days!! )
We have also been doing a number of inshore ( anchor ) trips of late and the results have been exceptional. The best catch for 1 angler on one day so far this winter has been some 30 Cod caught by Dave Kitchingman from Bradford. Great inshore sport in the shallow waters!!!
The boat will be working right across the winter period with just one lift out of the water for a week or so probably during January.
If you fancy a run off with us before Xmas give me a shout on all the usual numbers :-
- 07733 233352
- 07747 848406
- 01947 603472
Picture inset is of the lads inshore anchor trip last Tuesday 5th Dec.
Tight lines