Fishing Report. 2019.
Some terrific fishing to be had here at Whitby on the Shy-Torque III.
The last few offshore trips have been very good indeed with the last averaging around a dozen fish each ( a good few more than that some days!! )
We have also been doing a number of inshore ( anchor ) trips of late and the results have been exceptional. The best catch for 1 angler on one day so far this winter has been some 30 Cod caught by Dave Kitchingman from Bradford. Great inshore sport in the shallow waters!!!
The boat will be working right across the winter period with just one lift out of the water for a week or so probably during January.
Fishing Report 30.10.17
Some good fishing this last week aboard the Shy-Torque III. Mixed groups over the last few days averaging between 60 and 70 fish between them. Good signs of cod showing again and still some good strong ling around too.
Call me any time between 9 am and 8 pm for any info and to make any bookings.
Fishing Report
One or two big Ling knocking about this year now.
George Ho and 3 of his mates joined us the other day and had a steady days fishing on a couple of offshore wrecks. A nice mix of species, Pollack, Cod, Coaley and Ling.
Dennis, one of the lads, hooked a real beauty at slack water. A Ling of 28lb 9oz. He caught it on a 5/0 single with a small piece of Mackerel as bait. A personal best for him. Well done Dennis!!!
Fishing Report 17.09.2017
The late Summer angling competition finished today at Whitby.
Sadly none of the boats moved at all this last week due to the constant crappy Northerly breeze we had with us. The competition was effectively won last Sunday with a lovely Ling of 19 lb 4 oz caught by Mathew Weatherhead from Wetherby North Yorks fishing aboard the Shy-Torque III.
Mathew had fished the previous weekend too but didn’t manage anything of any size.
Prior to Mathew’s winning fish the competition was being led by Simon Wong from Manchester with another fine Ling of 17 lb 7 oz also boated on the Shy-Torque III (pics in the gallery)
I’d like to thank everyone who fished with us in this years event and hopefully we will see you all again soon.
I would also like to thank our sponsors for the late Summer competition, Focus Training and Mr. Chips.
As ever we will be working right through the winter and we still have room on some of the weekends. Check the calendar for availability. Individuals are very welcome and we will sail with just 3 anglers. The latter end months can very often fish as well, if not better than the Summer months here at Whitby.
Mather Weatherhead is pictured with his £1000.00 1st place fish.
Well done mate.
Fishing Report
Some reasonable fishing this last couple or three weeks aboard the boat. The Spring tides hindering us as always but the neap tides have produced a few good days and one or two nice fish.
The September competition starts this Saturday (2nd September) We still have a few days with room. Give me a call anytime before 8pm if you fancy a go for the £1000.00 top prize.
Fishing Report
Been a while since we reported what with the summer competition being on and also me taking a well earned break to Cornwall with my partner.
The fishing has been so up and down this year it really is crazy! A few days at sea with some fairly good catches followed by some poor weather days and some poor catches. All in all, the same as ever then I guess!!
The summer competition went well for the Shy-Torque anglers with a good number of daily prize winners across the 3 week event. Brian Robinson fished with us and held the top place for nearly a fortnight with a lovely ling of 15lb 4oz. It was finally beaten by 2 heavier fish at the end. His fish did however win him an equal 3rd place prize of £375.00 so a very well done to him for that. A big congratulations to my mate Paul on Trot On for getting the winning fish again this year!
There have been a good number of species caught this last couple of weeks. The one that is missing for us this year sadly is the porbeagle. We have had them on on 4 occasions but each fish has slipped us!! Luck on the day I guess.
Some lovely additions to the Shy-Torque picture gallery here on CBUK so have a browse.
The September competition is approaching fast now with just over 2 weeks to go. We still have some room left so if you fancy a bash please give me a call on any of the contact numbers or drop me a mail.
The picture inset is my nephew Ben and some of his mates who fished with us today. They had a great days fishing gathering some 70 fish or so white fish with an additional 150 mackerel!! Best fish fell to Ben on the last drop. A lovely cod of 12lbs taken on a strip of fresh mackerel. Ben is 2nd from the right next to my son Adam.
Cheers and tight lines to one and all.
Fishing Report 06.04.2017
The boat is being lifted from the water the last week of this month for her 5 year survey, so we will be ready for full time work again from around the 5th May.
Please call anytime between 8am and 8pm for any enquiries. Individuals are always very welcome aboard the boat along with any newcomers to the game. Everyone very well looked after.
2017 Bookings
Hi everyone. My condition is getting better steadily now. I am hoping to be back at it full time again around the end of March maybe in to April.
The diary is ready and waiting to take your bookings for 2017 and the tide tables are with me too.
Spring Angling Competition
The Spring angling competition ended here in Whitby last Sunday 17th April.
The lads and lasses who fished aboard the Shy-Torque made a valiant and sterling effort each day we were off to try and tempt the big one!!
Sadly, the big one didn’t poke it’s nose out for them this time, but with the most daily prizes won across the competition (AGAIN) falling to the Shy-Torque anglers and second overall heaviest fish too, I reckon we all did a pretty good job !!
May I thank all the anglers who fished with us aboard the boat in the competition and look forward to seeing you all again soon. The Summer competition will be on top of us soon!! Still some dates available.
Guy Wrightson is pictured with the second heaviest fish in the competition.
Fishing Report 02.04.16
The spring angling competition started here at Whitby last Saturday.
A very blustery Southerly wind was forecast at first so we decided to leave the harbour at 9 am to give the wind a chance to a bait a little which fortunately it did.
We headed straight out to our first mark some 20 miles East of the Harbour with very poor results. Around 20 fish off it. The second spot produced a lot better with around 50 fish coming off this. No monsters but my old mate Guy Wrightson took the fish of the day on the boat with a Ling of 12 lb 3.5 oz. This fish also took the heaviest overall on the day in the competition and is currently leading the event. Well done mate. Let’s hope it stands till the end!!
If you would like a go in the Spring comp we still have a few spaces left on the 11th, 12th and 13th next week.
A very nice 1st place cash prize of £1000.00 is on offer for the heaviest fish of the competition.
Fishing Report 22.03.16
A proper Spring like day welcomed us today at Whitby. Going to sea without a wooly hat? Unheard of !!!!
A mixed group of lads aboard the boat today.
We started and stayed on the ground on the 9 mile pretty much all day with a quick drop on a couple of wrecks whilst there. Fishing was very steady all day long and the lads managed around 90 fish between them. Nice to see the more inshore marks starting to show some good signs.
Some of the fish boated are pictured.
Spring comp fast approaching!! Get your bookings in lads.
Fishing Report 15.03.2016
Paul Deardon and the lads from South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue had their 1st trip with us yesterday.
With the best of the fishing here at Whitby still being on the offshore marks we armed ourselves with plenty of bait and headed back out there again.
The team turned up 5 handed so plenty of space for them. On this trip they brought a newcomer with them. Mark really enjoyed the day and managed a very nice 10 cod himself which included a double up on the baited Hokkai trace. A good catch by anyone’s standard on his maiden voyage. Sadly the weather was slightly against us on the way out which meant a steadier steam than normal adding half an hour to the travelling time out there.
When we arrived on the ground the fishing was just as good as it has been on the last few trips there, in the 1st hour I had a good bag of cod myself and lads weren’t far behind.
Total tally for the day for the boys was 90 cod. A great day with cracking company as ever.
Spring Competition
Marek Pracowity, who won last years Spring competition on the Shy-Torque joined us again today with his Polish mates.
Because the fishing offshore has been so much better than inshore of late, we decided to run off with Mareks team too.
Perfect conditions meant we could have a lovely cruise out at a steady 15 knots without being bashed and bruised. Makes a nice change!!
As soon as we arrived on the grounds the lads were straight into fish with Codling and Ling coming aboard steady away. They continued to fish well, right to the “last drift” shout. The boys counting over 100 fish at the end of the day with the main of it being Codling. No big fish to report, but with the best bag going some 15 fish, no complaints at all.
A very enjoyable day for one and all including myself. Getting quite good with the Polish language now!!
The lads are pictured with a few of their fish.
Whitby Angling Competition
Just over 2 weeks to go before this years first angling competition here at Whitby.
The Spring comp starts on Saturday 2nd April and runs through to the 17th April. 1st prize again this year is £1000.00 in cash with daily cash prizes too.
Give me a ring anytime between 8 am and 8 pm any day to arrange any trips. Individuals are very welcome as always. Beginners are also very welcome.
As always we will be working our socks off to try and find you the winning fish!!!
Marek Pracowity is pictured with last April’s competition winning fish caught on the Shy-Torque which took the £1000.00 1st prize!!
Fishing Report 29.02.2016
A very unusual settled spell of weather this last weekend put a big smile on both the anglers faces and mine too!!
Cancelling trips has become something of a regularity this last month for the Shy-Torque due to the endless gales, so to be able to give the thumbs up for a change was great.
Fishing Report 26.02.16
Friday didn’t fish very well at all to be honest. We started off on the 9 mile ground and wrecks for just a hand full of fish. We decided to run to the wrecks on the 18 / 20 mile with very disappointing results there too. The vote was to run back inside and finish the day off with some anchor fishing where we managed another 4 or 5 codling. All in all, very scarce.
Fishing Report 27.02.16
Saturdays forecast was very good so the casting vote was to run out to the “Wall” with the lads. As soon as we arrived all the rods were finding the action and the fishing remained steady all day long. The mixed group of 10 anglers ending up with over 100 cod and a hand full of ling. Nothing big on the boat. Best cod going around 7lb. Simon England having the best bag with 17 fish.
Fishing Report 28.02.16
Sundays forecast was again on our side so we all agreed that a run back out to the “Wall” was in order. Not quite as many fish caught but with the numbers edging toward the 80 fish mark, all in all a fairly decent result again.
Best bag went to Brian Stanton with 15 cod and the heaviest fish of the day went to regular angler Jez Lester with a very nice cod of 9 lb 5 oz. A good mate of mine Perry Franklin joined us for some entertainment value too!!
The fish were falling to both the artificial lures and the bait.
Give me a ring anytime between 8 am and 8 pm to arrange any trips.
Fishing Report 31.01.2016
We managed to sneak a day in at the weekend, (unbelievably!!) in between all these storms.
Martin Carrick, Dermot Faye and his mates along with Bill Barraclough joining the boat on Sunday.
Some super fishing on both the bait and the shad. One wreck producing some 50 fish. Nothing too big with Cod to around 6lb and Pollack to around 5lb.
Very enjoyable indeed!
Fishing Report
Some cracking inshore fishing at anchor on the Shy-Torque just recently. Dave K and his mates having their first trip of the year the other day. Dave himself gathering over 30 fish. Great fun!!
If you fancy a go at the inshore game give me a ring anytime between 8am and 8pm to organise a trip. I will sail with just 4 anglers.
Merry Christmas
I’d like to wish all our customers both old and new, a very happy Xmas and prosperous New Year.
Here’s hoping for another great year for everyone.
A few more festival winners again like this next year hopefully !!!
Whitby Spring Angling Competition
Aye Aye lads,
Bursting news!!
An exciting Spring competition here at Whitby!
Up until 3 days ago we were leading the comp with a very modest 10lb 11oz cod which would surely get beaten as the neap tides took hold for the latter part of the event.
Surely enough, it did get beat with a fish 2lbs heavier than ours at 13lbs 10oz.
I had an idea that a bigger fish was looming offshore so we went for it.
The weather broke for the better for today and boy, did it pay dividends!!!
The catch rate was superb on a wreck a couple of days earlier but due to poor weather we couldn’t get back to it, but today we re-visited.
Loads of cod with the best one falling to Marek from Leicester. One of our Polish chaps who fished with us on his maiden voyage. Marek has just won himself a very nice £1050.00 in cash for the 1st place.
Yet another win for the Shy-Torque boys!!
Marek pictured below.

Cheers Lads
See you on July 5th and we’ll have a go at winning the Summer competition too!!!
Fishing Report 12/05/2015
Some fantastic cod fishing so far this week aboard the boat. Some lads leaving with up to 20 codling.
We’re not having to travel too far either with lots of the catches coming from around the 5 mile ground. Loads of fishing time!!
Fishing Report 13.05.2015
A small team on the boat today with just 5 anglers.
Some fantastic fishing again for the lads working the grounds close in on the 5 and 7 mile.
Regular angler on the boat Derek Wiggins and his mate Josh from Leeds teamed up to amass some 35 cod between themselves today with the best fish falling to newcomer Josh at 8lbs. Great team effort lads!! Well done.
All the other 3 going home with a cracking bag of fish too.
Josh is pictured with his best fish.
Fishing Report 15.05.2015
A fabulous change in fortunes from the day before for the lads on the boat. A perfect flat calm morning welcoming us.
Chris Parkin and his 7 mates from Leeds joined the boat for the usual 7.0am start.
7 out of the 8 were relatively new to the game so an exercise in ground fishing was definately in order to start the day. A 20 minute steam to the first mark arriving at 7.30am
We dropped back on the ground on the 5 mile where we’ve been seeing some exceptional fishing of late. The first drift was very encouraging indeed with every rod taking fish. Nothing big really with cod to around the 7lb mark.
The next time I looked at the clock it was turning 1.30pm. The cod had been coming on board steadily all morning and the boxes were starting to overflow!!!
At 2.0pm Chris the organiser decided that they had all caught enough and we decided on an early finish returning to port at 2.30pm to begin the filleting.
The lads did a fish count as I filleted and returned a figure of 143!!!! Not a bad mornings sport at all !!
The boys are pictured.
Fishing Report 25 Nov 2012
Another window in the weather for us yesterday here at Whitby. Took the lads out to the “Wall” for what turned out to be a cracking days angling.
The drift on the ground was virtually zero, which is no good normally. But due to the sheer volume of cod out there at the moment it didn’t make much difference at all. Shads seemed to be making most impression at first but the bait rigs took over the catch rate when the tide changed. Baited Hokkais doing the best.
We were hampered by a seal for a while but once it had pinched a big cod from one of the lads it disappeared (thank god!) Usually when they turn up the fishing goes off but it didn’t yesterday.
Derek Wiggins from Leeds fished the front of the boat as usual and ended up with a lovely box of cod with 4 ling thrown in. 18 fish in total. His best around the 8lb mark.
A good number of cod around the 8 to 10lb mark on board.
The best fish of the day fell to Craig Gillings from Bradford. A belting cod of 21lb 9oz caught on a blue / white shad.
Craig is pictured above with his PB cod.
Shark Fest for 2013 on the Shy-Torque
This years sharking trips have started with a real bang with 5 shark being boated in 3 trips!!
Please have a look at the “Sharking” section for all the pictures including Sam Wards ( no relation ) of 360lbs!!!
Fishing Report 14.05.2015
After having a few of the best days we’ve had so far this year just recently, today showed us all exactly why we should never take angling for granted when the going is good!!!
The conditions to start the day were absolutely perfect with a flat calm sea. A few codlings were boated in the first hour but nothing like we’ve been seeing lately. The breeze then started picking up from the “dreaded” Easterly direction and we struggled to find the fish. A dozen or so moves were fairly unrewarded with just a few more codling boated. We finished off on a fairly unknown strip of ground at the end of the day and we managed to save it.
The lads ended up with around 50 codling between them which they were all very happy with.
At the end of the day all we can do is keep trying. There’s never a guarantee in this game!!
The lads (Ronnie, Joel and James) are pictured with a few of their catch.
Fishing Report
Fishing is incredible at the moment lads and lasses. Best we’ve seen for a number of years.
Not having to travel too far either which is a big bonus!
Call anytime to make a booking.
Fishing Report
The fishing for the boys on the Shy-Torque has been exceptional every day since the last report lads!
Some better size codling starting to show up now on the 9 mile ground too. Real meaty fish in top quality.
Dates in June are really flying out fast now with only a couple of dates left available. A couple of dates left in the Summer competition too if you fancy a crack at the massive £5000.00 first prize with lots of other huge cash prizes too!!!
Marek Pracowity received his £1000.00 in cash for his Spring competition winning cod of 14lbs 12.5 oz aboard the Shy-Torque III
Marek from Leicester said he was going to treat his wife and children to some lovely gifts!!
Good on ya mate and a very big “Well done” on your winning fish!!!
Marek is pictured with his “Grand”

Fishing Report 27.05.2015
Some regular faces aboard the boat yesterday making up a mixed group of 10 anglers.
With conditions nigh on perfect we decided to make a start on some fairly inshore wrecks. The first couple didn’t produce too much with around 15 fish or so off the pair. The 3rd however did show signs of a reasonable fishing on both the artificials and the bait where the lads took around 30 more fish.
I decided to try a couple of inshore wrecks in the “shallows” next, working in just over 30 meters of water. The first of the 2 produced a dozen or so. Our best cod of the day coming off that one, weighing a shade over 8.5lbs. Josh from Leeds enjoying some exciting sport with that one!! This was his 2nd trip ever and was overjoyed with his fish!! The 2nd of the 2 in the shallower produced very little where I guessed the water was just too mucky.
We finished off on the rough ground just 3 miles from the harbour where we raked another 12 or so small codling to round the day off. All in all a very enjoyable day with the best catch on board going to Derek Wiggins from Leeds with 18 cod. He caught all but one of his fish on a single jig.
Cheers lads and happy fishing as ever.
Josh from Leeds is pictured.
Whitby Competition Dates 2016
The dates for the Competitions here at Whitby for 2016 have just been released.
They are as follows:
- Spring comp :- April 2nd – April 17th inc
- Summer comp :- June 25th – July 17th inc
- Late Summer :- Sept 3rd – Sept 18th inc.
Fishing Report
The amount of fish here at Whitby at the moment is fantastic and the best part about it is it’s right on our doorstep!!
Since the last report here on CBUK the lads have enjoyed some really quite amazing sport. Most of the fish are of a similar stamp around the 3lb to 5lb mark which is a great size for the pan!!
Yesterdays crew were two groups and a single making up the full boat. Eric Davison’s group from the West Riding, Chris Booth’s lads from the North East and single angler Steve Bulliment from East Yorkshire.
The day started off relatively slow compared to the last few trips but this was down to the WNW breeze against the tide which almost held the boat at a standstill. Not good for the ground fishing which is where we have been seeing the best results of late. So we decided to drop on a couple of wrecks for just a hand full of fish apiece. As the breeze eased away I decided that a run off a bit further was in order and popped out to a strip of ground unknown to many, some 8 miles from the harbour. This was like a trip down memory lane for me as I hadn’t been there for over a year!! As soon as we stopped on the first feed mark and all the gear hit the bottom I knew we were in for a good time. Every rod on the boat bent in to fish. Bingo!!!
Shads and baited Hokkai’s taking the bulk of the fish which were coming on board in trebles at one point!!
We managed 6 drifts across the ridge where we took over 100 cod!! A terrific end to what looked like being a fairly standard sort of day at the beginning. We’ll be straight back there again as soon as this nasty bit of weather passes.
We only have one day left in June now where the boat is empty. This is the 16th June.
There are 3 dates left in June with spaces for individuals or small groups.
These are:
- 4th June (6 places)
- 17th June (7 places)
- 18th June (9 places)
There are only 5 dates left in the Summer competition with room which are:
- 1st July (7 places)
- 3rd July (1 place)
- 6th July (7 places)
- 7th July ( 3 places)
- 8th July (1 place)
If you fancy a trip with us on any of the above dates please contact me using any of the contact numbers on the home page.
Fishing Report
The fishing remains very good at the moment lads. Some good ground fishing to be had and also some good sport on the wrecks.
We have started our sharking missions now too. Sadly none boated as yet but we have had a couple of “Runs” We also had one swimming around the boat on the last trip so signs are good. If you fancy a go for them give me a ring to arrange a trip.
The late Summer competition is scheduled here at Whitby this September. Starting date is the 5th and runs to the 20th. Massive cash prizes on offer again this year with the top prize standing at £1000.00!!
Plenty of dates left. Give me a ring anytime between 8am and 8pm to arrange your days fishing.
Come and join us for a slice of the action!
Fishing Report 14.07.2015
The cod fishing here at Whitby continues to be great.
The group on board today were a mixed lot coming from all directions on the compass!
We came across some really good ground fishing yesterday on the 9 mile and returned there again today to find it was fishing even better. The stamp of cod was much better too with fish nudging just over 14lbs.
We tried for 3 weeks in the Summer comp to get fish like this without success this year and the very day after it’s over… HA!!!!! Ah well, that’s the great thing about the game. You never know.
I would just like to congratulate my life long mate of 40 years, Paul Eddon, Skipper on the Whitby charter boat Trot-On, on his great win in this years Summer comp. Fantastic result mate. WELL DONE to you and Mick Leonard who caught the cracking winning fish. A superb Ling of 24lbs 2oz. Mick wins £5000.00 in cash for his fish!!! I’m sure Paul will be getting a beer or 2 out of it!!!
Today’s biggest fish on the Shy-Torque is pictured with it’s captor John Rowley from Rotherham. A lovely cod of 14lbs 1oz.
Come and grab some great sport whilst it’s here!!
Fishing Report
American Tim Maas and his friends from Cambridgeshire joined us the other day and experienced some steady fishing on a stiff NW breeze which hindered the efforts somewhat!!!
First timer Tim and pals gathered around 60 fish for the day which was cut short due to the conditions. The lads tried really hard for their fish which was to be admired. Regularly winding back to the boat when the lines lifted too far certainly paid off for them. Proving the age old point, “The harder you work, the more fish you will catch”
Tight lines.
The September angling competition ended here last Sunday and was a success after a shaky start for bad weather.
I’ll firstly congratulate my old mate of many decades, skipper Paul Eddon off the Trot-On on his second festival win here this year at Whitby.
His cracking Ling of 21lb 11oz taking the top prize of £1000.00 in cash. Well done mate!!!
The lads who fished aboard the Shy-Torque enjoyed some terrific sport too. Our best fish in the competition fell to Phil Parkes, a regular on the boat, with a lovely cod of 17lb 6oz. His fish winning him a first daily prize. Many more fish in the teens too.
The Shy-Torque anglers yet again taking more daily prizes in total than any of the other entrants and boats over the two week event.
Well done to all our anglers and a massive “thanks again” for your ongoing loyalty to the boat. Much appreciated.
Phil Parkes is pictured with his cod of 17lb 6oz.
Fishing Report
Hi lads,
I think that in general the fishing here at Whitby this year has been the best we’ve seen for a number of years.
There have been several occasions where the lads have walked from the boat with huge bags of cod. Some of them amassing up to 50 fish each !!! The fishing remains very good here now too. The last few days we’ve fished no further than 9 miles from shore where the lads have put over 100 fish on the decks on a couple of the trips. The ground fishing has been proving the best fishing.
Lets hope it remains the same for next year.
I will be lifting the boat from the water at the end of the month for a polish up and anti-fouling etc. This will hopefully take no longer than a week or 2. After that we will be running her right through the winter as usual so if you fancy a run off just give me a ring and we can sort a trip for you. Remember that the fishing here at Whitby can be as good in the Winter months as it is during the Summer providing the water stays nice and clear. If the water is clouded up through storms then we can always have a go at the inshore anchor fishing or “Up-tiding” where it too can be quite fruitful sometimes.
Cheers and keep a tight line.